Thursday, April 23, 2009

Why should I change?

Imagine yourself 10, 20, 30, 40 or more years from now. What are you doing? What are your hobbies? Are you retired? What do you do for fun?

Now picture yourself confined to a wheelchair?

Can you still do all of the things you pictured yourself doing?

Now picture yourself in the room of a nursing home.

Not a pretty picture is it?

The last years of your life can be as fun and active as you want them to be, you do not have to be confined to a wheelchair or trapped in a lonely nursing home. The choice to live a life that will enable you to stay active in your later years is yours. The hard part is that you must make healthy lifestyle choices now if you want to continue to be free to make your own choices later on.

I have worked in nursing homes, you do not get the freedom of choice there. There are no trips to the mall, no computers, no restaurants, and no time spent outdoors.

Everyone can change and everyone can improve their health little by little, day by day, I do not want to see anyone have to live in a nursing home and that is why I am here. Make a comment if you have questions and visit here for encouragement when you need it. I am continuing on my own journey toward a healthier lifestyle and would like to hear comments as you follow along.


Anonymous said...

Ur right I need to change my lifestyle and i wish I would have realized that before!! If I have maybe I wouldnt catch colds as quickly.

Spring Girl said...

Just found your blog - sounds very interesting. This is a topic that really speaks to me and one of my motivating factors.

Keep up the good work!